The NASBITE International Annual Conference was a rich forum for learning and networking across a broad spectrum of topics related to international business, trade and trade education. NASBITE Conferences are known for their “take-away” value and networking opportunities. This year’s conference programming benefited all segments of the global business community including: trade educators and administrators; federal, state and local trade assistance professionals; exporters and importers; other businesses that support or facilitate international trade finance, logistics, and compliance; and students.
For those who did not register for the conference, you may purchase access to the recordings.
Trade Educator of the Year
This award recognizes and celebrates innovation and excellence in international trade curriculum development, research, program development, and advocacy of international business issues. This year's honoree is Chris Schrage, University of Northern Iowa
Advancing International Trade Award winners
This award recognizes the dedication and service of those who are advancing international trade in each state in the United States as well as Canada and Mexico. The award winners, which may be programs or individuals, have contributed to the advancement of international trade for four or more years. The 2024 honorees are:
- Martin Brill, Pennsylvania SBDC
- Tom Dustman, Sunnen Products Company
- Yuki Fujiyama, International Trade Administration (ITA), U.S. Commercial Service
- Leroy Lowe, Nova Scotia Community College, FITT
Program Excellence Award
This award recognizes specific programs developed by institutions and organizations to meet a particular identified need. All organizations, public and private, for-profit and not-for-profit, are eligible to apply. The 2024 honorees are:
- MU International Trade Center, Univeristy of Missouri
NASBITE offers its congratulations to the 2024 Award Winners!
37th Annual Conference Sessions
Day 1
Keynote: Service Exporting: "Putting Las Vegas on the Global Map: How We Became a Top International Destination"
Bruce Bommarito, Bommarito Global Strategies
Critical Issues in Export Control in Today's Environment of International Conflicts
Georges Neuenschwnader, SBTDC; Julie Detmering at Equilibar, LLC
Neuenschwnader Detmering PPT HERE
HTS/Schedule B Classification
Mike Allocca, Allocca Enterprises Inc.
Bridging the Gap: Connecting Student & Businesses & Leveraging University Resources & Expertise in the Name of Global Trade
Jackie Rasmussen, University of Missouri; Krista Hinrichs, Program Manager, MU International Trade Center
Global Expansion Toolkit in Food & Agriculture: Resources for Business Advisors, Consultants, and Food & Agriculture Companies
Kellie Greene, NY Small Business Development Center at SUNY OCC
How to Design Your Internal IB Case Competition
Hannah Pszenica, Michigan State University
Near Shoring as Opposed to Off Shoring. Why Choose the Americas
Robert (Bob) Imbriani, Team International Trade Services/Team Worldwide
Round Table: NASBITE and FITT: Working Together to Provide International Business Training Resources
Caroline Tompkins, Forum for International Trade Training
Keynote "My International Journey and Lessons Learned"
Stephen Cheung, CEO, LAEDC and WTCLA
Future‐Proofing Global Trade: An AI‐Powered Workshop for Educators
Ray Bowman, LA SBDC
Incoterms 2020
Mike Allocca, Allocca Enterprises Inc.
Powering Exports: Research Database + Online Presense + Government Tenders + AI ‐ Putting It All Together
Rufiya Blank, VP, Kompass N.A.
How To Prepare a Validated International Business Plan Using the Business Model Canvas
Elayne P. McClaine, NJ Small Business Development Center at Rutgers New Brunswick
Global Competitive Advantages of Cultural Intelligence Supported by AI
Cesar Oswaldo Vasquez Flores, BizCultural Inc.
Title VI CIBE program
Rebecca Bellinger, Title VI CIBE program along with Marki Jones, Christine Everett and Hannah Pszenica
Breakthrough in Digital Trade Transaction Technology
John Dunlop and Elizabeth Glynn, ITRADE DIGITAL
Essentials of Guiding Businesses Through U.S. Imports
Kellie Greene, NY Small Business Development Center at SUNY OCC
Day 2
Keynote: "10 and 5: Ten Ways Cross‐Border eCommerce and Trade Will Change in the Next Five Years"
Josh Halpern, CEO and Founder, Getting to Global Initiative
Halpern Presentation via Email HERE
Exporters Educating Exporters
Jackie Rasmussen, University of Missouri; Krista Hinrichs, Program Manager, MU International Trade Center
International Documentation
Mike Allocca, Allocca Enterprises Inc.
International Documentation Handout 1
International Documentation Handout 2
The Gifts of the Next Generation ‐ Leveraging the Strengths of Employees 33 and Under
Dale Wetmore, Gift of Next Gen, LLC
Keeping Informed in the International Trade Arena: Key Sources of Information for Market, Competitor, Product and Lead Sourcing Intelligence
Laurent Kahl, University of Georgia SBDC (International Trade)
Global Marketing in Emerging Markets ‐ An Exploration of Global Risks and Building a Practical Tool Kit For Market Entry by SMEs
Ali Kowsari, Santa Ana College
Import Compliance
Mike Allocca, Allocca Enterprises Inc.
Understanding Digital Trade
Mario Gonzalez Segura, UGA International Trade Center
Going Global: Building Capacity and Advancing Excellence with the U.S. Department of Education's Fulbright‐Hays and Title VI Programs
Jessica Lugg, U.S. Department of Education
Meeting Students Where They Are Academically: A Learner Centered Approach to CGBP Exam Training
Eileen Daspro, University of San Diego
CGBP Exam Update ‐ CGBP Governance Council
Denise Whitford, Joel Pinieiro, LeAnn Young, David Delagado, Tom Dustman, Peter Plakas
Best Practices in Market and Partner Selection ‐ An Exporter's View
Marshall Girtman, Special Mine Services, Inc.
Working Capital as a Bridge to Global Sales Growth
Steve Sullivan, SBA , John Addessi, Kansas SBDC
Using AI for Foreign Market Identification
Jim Foley, Bradley University Illinois SBDC ITC
From Small to Global: Growing Small Businesses into Small Business Exporters
Laurie Pieper, Ph.D., CGBP, Kansas Department of Commerce
Navigating Global Trade: Insights into FTAs and FTZs
Kellie Greene, NY Small Business Development Center at SUNY OCC