The newly released CGBP Exam Study Pack consists of content that is aligned with the four main domains encompassed by the CGBP  (i.e., Global Management, Global Marketing, Supply Chain Management, and Trade Finance – as detailed in the NASBITE CGBP Practice Delineation).  These modules contain condensed content that will serve as an excellent resource for anyone wanting to prepare for, and sit, the CGBP Exam.  They assume the reader has a background in business, so they are very good for people who already have training or experience.  These materials are not intended to serve as standalone textbooks, however, they are an excellent supplement that can be used to augment face-to-face training or other training materials/resources/textbooks that would more typically be used when training business students or the uninitiated.

  • Combined Study Pack
    CGBP Exam Complete Study Pack (175 pages): $179.00 (Members); $199.00 (Non-Members)  
  • Global Business Management Domain 1
    Global Business Management Study Module (33 Pages): $49.00 (Members); $59.00 (Non-Members)
  • Global Marketing Domain II
    Global Marketing Study Module (59 Pages): $49.00 (Members); $59.00 (Non-Members)
  • Supply Chain Management Domain III
    Global Supply Chain Study Module (47 Pages): $49.00 (Members); $59.00 (Non-Members)
  • Trade Finance Domain IV
    Trade Finance Study Module (45 pages): $49.00 (Members); $59.00 (Non-Members)

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