The NASBITE International Student Case Competition is an exciting learning and networking opportunity for students attending two-year and four-year colleges and universities that offer an academic business program. The goals of the NASBITE International Student Case Competition are:

  • To provide college and university students the opportunity to work collaboratively on a creative solution to a real-world international business challenge, and to put their research, presentation and networking skills to work.
  • To provide the sponsoring company access to the very best international business students presenting potential solutions to their international business challenges.
  • To provide a solid foundation for student involvement and participation within NASBITE International.

Exciting news for the 2025 Case Competition:

  1. Two undergraduate tracks, one completely virtual, one live, with two winners. The live track will be immersed in the NASBITE International Annual Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, April 8-10, 2025, presenting to the company and judges and enjoying many of the conference activities. The virtual competition will culminate with virtual finals with the company April 9th.
  2. Graduate teams can participate in either track, but one graduate winner will be chosen from all the graduate presentations.
  3. Winning teams receive a $1,000 prize in addition to recognition.
  4. Teams can now be formed from two sponsoring schools, not just a single school.

Team registration submission deadline is January 15, 2025.
*Registrations will continue to be accepted after this date for the Virtual Track of the Competition as capacity allows.

Interested? Want to learn all the details? 

View the 2025 Student Case Competition Team Information and Registration Packet

View the Information Session Recording

View PowerPoint from Information Session


2024 NASBITE Case Competition Winners Announced!

1st Place Undergraduate Team: University of Missouri - Frank Pantoni, Lucas Hayes, and Aisling Kerr

Nevco Sports Case Challenge Winner: University of Iowa - Amelia Balk, Hunter Denson, Emma Becker, Nick Bianchi

1st Place Graduate Team: George Washington University - Virali Shah, Joshua Kim, Joon Park, and Tai Pham