The NASBITE International Student Case Competition is an exciting learning and networking opportunity for students attending two-year and four-year colleges and universities that offer an academic business program. In 2024, NASBITE International will host both an undergraduate and a graduate student case competition. Each track will offer students the chance to solve real-world international business challenges posed by U.S.-based firms.  Along with recognition, the winning undergraduate and graduate teams each will receive a cash prize of $1,000.

The goals of the NASBITE International Student Case Competition are:

  • To provide college and university students the opportunity to work collaboratively on a creative solution to a real-world international business challenge, and to put their research, presentation and networking skills to work.
  • To provide the sponsoring company access to the very best international business students presenting potential solutions to their international business challenges.

To provide a solid foundation for student involvement and participation within NASBITE International.

Learn more about how the competition works

NASBITE is seeking a partner and sponsor for 2025 

You may also watch a video from our Case Competition informational session HERE.


Registration - Team registration submission deadline is January 15, 2024.



2023 NASBITE Case Competition Winners Announced!

1st Place Undergraduate: North Seattle College

2nd Place Undergraduate: Michigan State University

1st Place Graduate: The University of Maryland