Webinar: Make More in America Initiative with EXIM
Too many American manufacturers in sectors critical to America’s national security – especially small- and medium-sized enterprises – struggle to obtain financing to compete for global sales. EXIM is well positioned to address this issue, while supporting jobs in America.
To help companies make more in America – especially in sectors critical to national security – EXIM will make available the agency’s existing medium- and long-term loans, loan guarantees, and insurance to export-oriented domestic manufacturing projects.
The new tool will be open to all sectors, with financing priority available to environmentally beneficial projects, small businesses, and transformational export area transactions, including semiconductors, biotech and biomedical products, renewable energy, and energy storage. This Initiative will help revitalize American manufacturing, improve the resiliency of our supply chains, and level the playing field for American companies competing in overseas markets.
By complementing EXIM’s foreign buyer financing programs, EXIM can spur growth and security of critical supply chains while continuing to meet EXIM’s core mission of supporting U.S. jobs. Such financing will help support American companies across the entire export lifecycle.
For more details about the program, visit https://www.exim.gov/about/special-initiatives/make-more-in-america-initiative.
August 22nd, 2024 from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM